Her kan du se de principper skolebestyrelsen på Østerhåbskolen har vedtaget. Dokumenter Antimobbestrategi revideret 2021_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Det gode samarbejde_revideret2021_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for klassedannelse_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for praktik og brobygning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for fælles arrangementer.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for elite idræt og musik.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for lejrskoler 2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for meddelelsesbogen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Ordensregler 2023_1.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Kommunikationspolitik.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Lektiepolitik.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Skolens arbejde for udvikling af børnenes sociale og faglige fællesskaber.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Inspiration til brug af klassekasser_3.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for forældrearrangementer i skoletiden_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.